Generation Y in Thessaloniki for the 2nd Panorama of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development!
With the CSR actions that characterize its presence as a guide, but also with a keen interest in new trends emerging in the field of sustainable development, Generation Y – International eBusiness Experts is preparing to make an appearance at the “2nd Panorama of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development” by Global Sustain, in which is also serving as a sponsor.
In a large-scale event to be held on Friday, September 6th, 2019, at the Piraeus Bank Conference Center in Thessaloniki, Generation Y’s Commercial Director (CCO), Nana Ioakimidou, will be among the keynote speakers, sharing her knowledge on the new technological trends, in an enlightening speech under the title “Digital Transformation and Sustainability”. The purpose is to demonstrate the way in which new technologies contribute to sustainable business practices, as well as to responsible corporate governance.
By revealing best practices and new trends in the area of sustainable development, the “Panorama of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development” is aiming at all professionals involved in corporate responsibility and sustainability. Generation Y’s presence in the Panorama, as well as its support as an Official Sponsor, comes as an extension to the offices it maintains in Thessaloniki, whose official opening is expected in the very near future!
Just because any vision for sustainable development that is based in the future must be founded on a present that offers a perspective…